Why Feeling Insecure Can Make You a Better Entrepreneur

Entrepreneurs think they must always look confident. But insecurity can actually help you win. 

James M. Sweeney is a successful entrepreneur. He says insecurity can be good. He calls this idea "Creative Insecurity."

Don't see insecurity as bad. See it as a helper. It can:

- Push you to learn

- Make you try new things

- Help you grow

Sweeney knows this from experience. After the success of his first company, he felt scared. Would he succeed again? 

By questioning everything and facing his doubts, he started 14 healthcare companies. His insecurity became his strength.

New ideas catch people's attention. Being first matters more than being perfect. Take WD-40. It took 40 tries to get right. This shows that trying matters.

Failure is a part of the journey. Every mistake teaches you something. It builds a really strong spirit. It helps you keep going.

Turn your insecurity into energy. Never be afraid to try new things. Learn from mistakes. Keep going.

Love your insecurity; it may unlock doors to successes that you never imagined. 


Helping businesses raise funds, is my job, it’s what I excel at.

I’ve successfully assisted over 300 clients in securing more than $20 million in funding.

Photo by Draven Zigic


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