Coffee Chat: One Meeting Made All the Difference

I love coffee meetings. They allow you to concentrate.

Today was crucial. I met a client in a small coffeehouse. Just two of us, two cups of espresso, and a wood table. Simple.

They arrived prepared. Very prepared. Folder, graphics, and a neat presentation.

"Set those aside," I told them.

Fifteen years of working in financing has shown me one thing. The most excellent ideas do not always require elaborate presentations.

My client was apprehensive initially. Then he loosened up. We just conversed. Honest dialogue. Honest words.

Their story emerged. An actual problem. An actual solution. Even better - their own experience confirmed it all.

That is what investors desire. Honest truth. Not presentations.

By the time we drank our cups, we had it. An actual plan. An actual strategy for getting funding.

We pitch to investors shortly. Today's coffee was a great help.

Occasionally you just need to sit down, drink a lovely cup of cappuccino, and speak straight from the heart.


Helping businesses raise funds, is my job, it’s what I excel at.

I’ve successfully assisted over 300 clients in securing more than $20 million in funding.

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