Crowdfunding vs Grants: Which is Better for my Project?

Most individuals think that research needs huge grants from governments or universities. They are wrong. Crowdfunding is revolutionizing the way we finance science and creative endeavors. 

Grants are problematic. You take several months to apply for them. Most are rejected. If you are successful, there is paperwork in abundance. You have to do precisely what you said you would do even if something more interesting comes up in the process of working. Those who provide grants tend to like safe, boring projects.

Crowdfunding is unique. You speak directly to individuals who are interested in what you are doing. Everyday people can contribute $5 or $500 to support ideas that they like. Artists and scientists can discuss their projects in plain language that inspires people.

Crowdfunding gets you funds quickly. A grant can take a year to be approved. A crowdfunding campaign takes a month. If you reach your goal, you can start work right away. You don't waste time on tons of forms and reports.

Crowdfunding builds community. Your backers are with you along the way. They get updates and feel connected to the work. Many are still engaged after the campaign has ended. Some even assist in spreading the word about what you found out or created.

The freedom is wonderful. Want to learn something new? Want to attempt a new method? Take a risk? Crowdfunding lets you do that. If a sufficient number of people like your idea, you can bring it into being. You don't have to get permission from grant committees.

Raising money from lots of people teaches you valuable skills. You learn to communicate clearly. You get to tell stories that matter to people. You build trust with your audience. These are valuable skills in every aspect of your work.

Crowdfunding also demonstrates that people care about what you're doing. This can lead to raising more money in the future. Grant committees notice when lots of people support a concept with their own money.

Crowds money usually has fewer limitations. You can reverse your plans if you want to. You can publish your findings in whatever way you prefer. You are not bound by stringent research regulations on publishing.

The internet enables all of this. Sites such as for science and Kickstarter for artistic work facilitate the connection between ideas and backers around the globe. A scientist in India can receive funding from individuals in Canada, Brazil, or Japan who are interested in their concept.

Crowdfunding is not without flaws, however. Not all projects succeed. You have to be skilled at communication. Large-scale, high-cost projects may still require grants. But crowdfunding provides a new mechanism for assisting valuable work.

The future looks good for research and development that involves a great number of individuals. More and more individuals are avoiding conventional grants. They are going directly to the public with their new ideas. They are getting sponsors who believe in them. This is making science and creative projects more diverse, interesting, and open.

Crowdfunding is not only about funds. It's about freedom, community, and meaningful work. It connects you directly with individuals who care. That's why it's better than the old-style grants in so many respects.


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